Earthquake Training Course

В 2019 году


Человек прошли обучение на платных тренингах по навыкам оказания первой помощи.


Человек прошли обучение на тренингах по базовым навыкам оказания первой помощи.

Every year, more than 100,000 earthquakes take place in the world. Among natural disasters, earthquakes rank first in terms of damage and casualties.

Considering that over 50 seismic zones are located on the territory of our country, and seismic effects on human settlements and other objects located near or within seismogenic zones can reach 9 or more points, and given a projected devastating earthquake in the south and south-east of the country, it is very important to know not only behavioral skills before, during and after earthquakes, but also the fundamentals of preparation for them.

In addition, earthquakes caused by man-made effects on the upper part of the Earth’s crust due to the intensive development of oil, gas and other minerals, the creation of large reservoirs, etc., may pose a potential risk.



Training methods

Our courses will teach you how to prepare for an earthquake. How to put together an “survival kit” that will help in extreme situations before rescuers arrive. Create a personal emergency card. Also during the training, our trained instructors will give u recommendations on identifying safe places in the office and at home. What to do during an earthquake if you are indoors, in a car or on the street and what to do after an earthquake in case of limb injuries, “crush syndrome” and how to treat various wounds.


Maira Yessenova

+7 (727) 236 76 23

+7 (701) 703 79 97