Emergency Response

Your assistance will enable us to respond quickly and efficiently to emergency situations and to help people that found themselves in challenging situations throughout Kazakhstan.
In emergency periods, assistance will be rendered to most socially vulnerable and unprotected groups of population.

The functioning National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) makes every effort to help the population in the event of emergency situations. Over the years, our NDRT has participated in elimination of many emergencies and gained a vast experience.
Cooperation with the Ministry of Emergency Situations allows us to be among the first to respond, doing it with maximum efficiency.

In 2020, we rendered assistance to

persons suffered in Maktaaral
families suffered from freshets in Kostanay Region and in North Kazakhstan Region, and from mudflow in Shymkent under the “Assistance map” program

How we help

Supporting efforts to render assistance in the event of natural disasters

The Red Crescent respects and appreciates intentions of donors. All donations made by them as assistance in the event of natural disasters will be used to help people suffered from natural disasters. The Red Crescent maintains low spendings, and averagely 90 tiyns of each tenge used by the Red Crescent are invested in provision of care and comfort for those who need it.


Director of the Emergency Department
Olga Kim
+7 (727) 236 76 23 (ext 705)